You find old poems in the attic in a box with the Remington Rand you wrote them on in the Sixties before computers were born. They were published then in little
When my neighbor told me over the fence a month ago the doctor said she had two years to live,
In 1958 Elmer’s was the only high school in his county that had been integrated. Basketball was the big sport. People in the little town filled the gym every Tuesday and Friday. They ro...
Things reach a certain age, an age at which things don’t work the way they once did. The battery in your car,
Bill’s a conservative upset that Meals on Wheels and Medicaid face possible cuts in America’s budget. He yells to colleagues
Drive around almost any city and you will find the homeless napping on a bench. Folks who drive to church on Sund… often view the homeless as litter
It’s time to stop the killing by order of the courts. Time to stop the injections
Fred has been working with an agency called Hunters for the Hungry for five years. During that time, his food bank has received thousands of pounds of venison to feed the poor. This yea...
She’s been a widow a year now and at times she still misses him when she drives past the steak house where he
Rudy in his wheelchair gets around pretty good. He has a good job and transportation via a special van. He shops at local stores and everyone is nice except at the drug store where the ...
An hour before dawn the paper is out on the lawn white in the moonlight a trumpet dozing after a long night in a jazz bar
We hung suet out on the deck today hoping the wrens would come and stay the winter,
Some things can’t be fixed any other way says Bill in his bedroom on the third floor hoping to get some sleep
Strapped to his bed in the nursing home, he tells every nurse who comes in and tightens his straps
Smitty isn’t Schulte. He doesn’t drive a Cadillac and doesn’t hit his wife often any more. Schulte, on the other hand,