It’s just a flophouse but it’s all he can afford and now it’s come to this. If he buys food he can’t pay the rent
“You live long enough and bad stuff happens,” Harry told Stella, slurping his coffee. “I’m 94 next week."
Beneath the bowling-alley bar marquee the rain tonight hammers off the concrete.
First, we place the neck on the bl… and put the basket underneath the head and then make sure the bl… is sharp enough before we ask the… one more time just to be polite:
You thought you knew her. She thought she knew you. Neither was true but this happens at times at Happy Hour on Fridays
The old poet has agreed to read his poems in Hanley Hall if a student will push his wheelchair on stage. Agreed. And students must agree not to ask
After all these years my wife at the ironing board, perfect in panties. Donal Mahoney
A good reason to get married, Tim told me before he died, is you need a driver to take you home from a colonoscopy. When cancer runs in the family
Harvey has a special room in the basement that’s always lock… He keeps a safe there, some antiqu… and family memorabilia he fears midnight thieves might steal.
Bug no bigger than a comma scales the wall next to my recliner. He’s climbing
You think he’d be more grateful. Neither rich nor poor he’s never wanted for anything. He’s always had what he needs but never had any gratitude
I have a new email address. Old one may work for awhile but like life, it can stop at any time… One problem so far. This new address sends emails
It was her birthday. She was only five the dawn we went out to look at roses in Grandma’s garden
A neighbor lady I hadn’t seen in a year I heard was bedridden. Her former husband dropped by, asked if I’d to take in her trash… when I brought in my own.
This traveling salesman has worn out six vans in 40 years and he hopes to retire soon. Age and illness