An old guy on the subway with a lunch bucket tells a young lady with a brief case Bernie hasn’t got a chance.
Jill’s assignment as a new reporter was to interview an old bell ringer standing next to a red kettle outside a Walmart. Her editor had told her the man has been ringing the bell every ...
In the glow of the porch light one moth a final fandango nowhere to go
There’s a glorious sound system no… in the restored train depot where… from all over the nation once took… train to Camp Breckinridge before taking a plane to Korea.
Used to be after a snow our doorbell would ring and we’d find boys with shovels in hand looking to make some money.
Technology is wonderful, especially in medicine, Elmo told Opal, the day their son Brett called to tell them the good news. The doctor had told Brett and Debbie their first child would ...
I don’t know why my wife and I are up at four in the morning sitting in recliners drinking coff… staring at half-hour commercials claiming to cure everything
They had things in common, Paul and June, at an age when most boys and girls don’t and maybe that’s why they were the only couple in sixth grade dating, if you can call it that. This wa...
Jane told Tarzan toodle-oo and moved away to Arizona because although it’s hot out ther… it’s a dry heat and not the swamp of heat she found herself panting
Gram tells Stella on the phone her neighborhood is full of old fo… She hasn’t seen Stella in 60 year… and won’t see her again because of the canyon of miles between the…
Melanie was waiting for the light… at 12th and Broadway when a large… a big truck and 10 gallon hat roar… right beside her. His truck cab lo… above her old Buick. His stereo b…
Sending out an address change to a friend I haven’t seen in 50 years, I say my wife and I are moving someplace new next month
We have something in common, a fellow I talk to now and then. We’re about the same age and perhaps the only ones in the diner who think our past lives are interesting. So when the two o...
“Quiet, please,” I tell her, “I want to hear the music.” She is sitting next to me again, this time on a paisley couch, a woman in a lime bikini I met
It’s midnight and I’m too tired to stroll in my Wall Street garden to check on the nightlife among the flowers