As we know, sometimes we can see the big picture by peeking through a keyhole. And in America today perhaps we can see better the state of innocence among young children by looking at a...
A good reason to get married, Tim told me before he died, is you need a driver to take you home from a colonoscopy. When cancer runs in the family
Wally read something he thought good advice for those who lose the race. “Make friends of the
Miss Goody Two-Shoes’ sweaters aren’t too tight, skirts aren’t too straight and heels aren’t too high. She’s a swan gliding
It’s a disgusting thing but Paddy Gilhooley, who knew better as a child, had begun farting in church very early in life. He started in grammar school, many decades ago, long before the ...
After the doctor tells Ahmad his test results, Ahmad says he needs a new place to live. His tent’s in ruins, Ahmad says. His body will soon shake a final t…
Underneath the feeder black juncos write hieroglyphics in the snow. Two cardinals arrive In a flash of red. They add
It’s a retirement haven for people with money but it works like a Roach Motel. People move i… but never move out. You and your wife move in to
An imam should say eternity lasts too long to sit by the fire Donal Mahoney
Sometimes a person can go too far, Mickey said, two stools over downing another beer,
Covey of nuns without benefit of wimple graciously attired sport coat, turtleneck, skirt scurry through the airport
After the poetry reading the lights go on and a lady under a big hat rises behind dark sunglasses and asks the poet why
Bill’s been seeing a therapist for years trying to get his life on track but all he talks about is his many regrets in a life
Even as a child Charles couldn’t forgive other chi… not for something they had done but rather for who they were. They were inferior and couldn’t he…
You never know who’ll be there though folks are dying to get in. Then suddenly you’re at the door, hat in hand,