He’s always believed people of every faith can live in peace together in America no matter what happens
Ginny didn’t know if it was a large pond or a small lake in the middle of the beautiful park where she had been hired right after high school to help with maintenance of the grounds. No...
No one goes to the patio now except at night when Ann goes out to spread old bread and sunflower seed on the small table for birds
I told my wife the other night when she came back to bed my feet were cold so now’s the time for me to tell her not to bury me or burn me
It was her birthday. She was only five the dawn we went out to look at roses in Grandma’s garden
There are pockets of them everywhere, quiet and discreet. Usually they meet once a week
Years ago they came from many plac… to study writing at a university in the middle of America surrounded by lush corn fields. They worked hard, became friends,
Years ago Rodney King, after his beating in LA, softly asked America, “People, can we all just get along? Can we stop
The teacher tells the third grade the order of the seasons cannot be changed. Summer, fall, winter, spring arrive in order, then start over.
In our tent we hear whippoorwills happy to see dawn dismiss the night Donal Mahoney
A spelunker he was from adolescence on. An outdoorsman with the best equipment exploring caves
Every time we have a big election in America, my wife of many years asks me if I’m going to vote in the primary although she knows I never do because one has to decl…
You can learn a lot, both true and false, in a dingy all-night diner where old men gather at a table in back
Technology is wonderful, especially in medicine, Elmo told Opal, the day their son Brett called to tell them the good news. The doctor had told Brett and Debbie their first child would ...
I take my wife to dinner at a fancy place for us to talk about money because stocks have a virus and we should move