This senior citizen whose face is Rushmore still squats with pigeons on the steps of the Rogers Park Masonic Templ… She wears a shawl this snowy day
The two weeks I spent in that small town on assignment, I saw no blacks except for two older women regal in every way,
Let’s look at him from his point o… living as he does in a penthouse on top of a building bearing his n… riding an elevator down a few floo… to an office where he oversees
Couples age and a sign of age is w… the husband hires someone to shove… and the wife hires a cleaning lady… Sometimes the wife doesn’t like th… and the husband doesn’t like the c…
Paul was at the office when the first atomic bomb fell and when Muntz TVs replaced console radios and the first man landed on the mo… He saw the first big computers tru…
Every evening, up in my rooom, I try to finish a poem but Chicago is hot and it’s better outside,
Trumpelstiltskin is a fairy tale not written by the Brothers Grimm… It’s written every day by Fox and… America hears it every hour and half the nation loves it
A good reason to get married, Tim told me before he died, is you need a driver to take you home from a colonoscopy. When cancer runs in the family
That’s a very big tree and a boy scout could climb it with all the right gear. But it’s a condominium, too. You would disturb families.
“Screw the Vernal Equinox” is all Cootie Kelly ever says sitting triumphant with his foaming glass of Guinness on the last stool at Maggie’s
She’s been making quilts for half a century and he’s been making poems that long as well and every now and then he brings a chocolate shake to her place
When the dogwoods bloom pink and white blossoms create canopies of joy. Donal Mahoney
Niagara Falls her silver hair so long it bounces off the swan
A friend in England rings me up and we talk about this and that. He asks if my president’s in touch with all that’s going on and I say he should be in touch, going to
If I knew I’d live forever I’d never send a poem out. No poem ever comes with ten fingers and ten toes so I’d keep revising, add