Some folks have a problem with aut… legitimate and otherwise, and I ha… a lifetime festering in that group… An event in youth convinced me tha… big people are no different than l…
Jack, age 6, loves the iPad he uses in kindergarten. He already navigates the net to some degree. But when he accompanied his father to the Post Office, he sat quietly on a bench and re...
Ringing in the ears has no cure. It’s called tinnitus and you can pronounce it the way it looks or the way
Simply because anchors have little to say means they’ll keep saying it till others believe. This is America.
For years leprechauns lived under Pop’s fedora. They danced jigs on his head when he wore it and hid in his ears
July in the streets of Mexico City: One of the women one never would marry. One of the women one sees
He often got bored with her hobby… but this weekend he looks forward… hours of cooking shows on televisi… while he talks with her about her… He finally accepts that she is dyi…
We’re troubled by the very rich we see only on TV and worry about the poor who sleep at night in doorways and in parks, the trul… with little more than the clothes…
Three times a day a train roars through a field a farm away booming like an Angus bull looking for companionship.
She walks the rack of bright frock… as her husband, an Angus aging, paws at the carpet behind her. She wants the right dress to make verdant again the hills
There are pockets of them everywhere, quiet and discreet. Usually they meet once a week
Dither of blue jays bickering at the feeder. Doves eat well below Donal Mahoney
Praise for Him coming from us is like the bark of a terrier at the foot of his master
Every day the same people at the same table at the rear of the cafeteria. The maiden, 35 at least, is gray at the temples,
Inseparable they are, landing one after another on the ground under the bird feeder two mourning doves