When she leaves the room when will she be back When she leaves the house how long will she be gone When she must go out of town
We do our best to avoid the Zika Virus. We smack mosquitoes and avoid tanned folks just back from two weeks in the tropics.
Been in trouble all my life childhood through old age. I took the alleys
Third day on her honeymoon Sharon asks Butch what it’s like for a man before he gets married. A bricklayer by trade, and a man of few words,
On Saturday mornings several bowed citizens gather on the sidewalk outside the clinic to read the Bible and pray.
Ringing in the ears has no cure. It’s called tinnitus and you can pronounce it the way it looks or the way
They’re in the kitchen, drinking coffee, the kids, in their fifties now, figuring out what to do about Dad who’s
Dreams I can’t remember cause a conflagration fire hoses can’t put out. Dreams I can recall arrive in technicolor.
Should she write about the wonders of nature and say it’s okay to lie on the beach forever without any sunscreen
I was warm and toasty, curled up, napping in amniotic fluid, without a worry when suddenly
Robin on the lawn. Three hops and stops to listen. Somewhere must be spring. Donal Mahoney
You have to be married at least 30 years to know what your wife is thinking before she says it aloud. More than 40 years to know
Dubville used to be a quiet town, not that much was going on. The young would move to the city after high school… The elderly would stay because
Someone has to cut the grass Molly tells Bill dozing off in his recliner too weary to cut it. For years a vet from Vietnam
I’m not saying my father hated the English, God forbid. If he were still alive, he’d hate to hear me say that. He’d correct me right away and say he didn’t hate the English. Truth be to...