Walking very slowly, ancient Wall… right behind his ancient Molly who… stepping down the garden path, her first time out in weeks, wobbly still on her new knee.
My wife’s upset because I won’t answer the phone in the middle of the night even though the phone’s on my side of the bed.
You have to be married at least 30 years to know what your wife is thinking before she says it aloud. More than 40 years to know
Fred brought his old comic books and some hard candy to a food pant… and didn’t think much about it. Just a different kind of donation. Maybe somebody would want them.
Years ago my wife bought three wall clocks, atomic clocks they’re called. They require no batteries and you don’t plug them in.
I told my guest it’s just a poem doesn’t mean a thing a salad tossed with colors bright
Two people so different can view the poor through different lenses and offer a solution but not the same solution
Smitty isn’t Schulte. He doesn’t drive a Cadillac and doesn’t hit his wife often any more. Schulte, on the other hand,
What if after Browne has gone one of us discovers who Browne was… leads the rally to his room before the maid has time to broom the web… retrieve from underneath the bed
A rainy Sunday and Pastor Smith is in his pulpit bellowing to the congregation, “I hope you understand
Blooming for one day a lily welcomes the sun. Bumblebees drop in. Donal Mahoney
Beautiful lady in the checkout lan… is spotted by Roscoe, a wealthy ma… wandering in Walmart. He admires her chocolate hair, bonbon eyes, vanilla creme complexion, a walk
A little boy from the city down on the farm for a day wanders away to look at the sheep and finds a bull
It’s a small backyard I’ve watched for years from an upstairs window while chained to a computer. Whatever the weather
Mae mailed Christmas cards today, fewer again this year because death has made her address book a skeleton. She has a son in Russia