Some never hear of him and likely never will— pygmies in Africa, aborigines in Tasmania, the indigenous in South America.
You won’t find poetry anywhere unless you bring some of it with y… said Joseph Joubert, a French writer whose day job was working for Napoleon.
It’s outpatient surgery and she’s running late trying to catch a spider in the kitchen sink. Wants to carry it outside
It was always a lovely yard, the grass green, never a weed. Dandelions in spring were an endangered species as soon as she spotted them.
We do our best to avoid the Zika Virus. We smack mosquitoes and avoid tanned folks just back from two weeks in the tropics.
When she leaves the room when will she be back When she leaves the house how long will she be gone When she must go out of town
It’s a disgusting thing but Paddy Gilhooley, who knew better as a child, had begun farting in church very early in life. He started in grammar school, many decades ago, long before the ...
No more nudes in Playboy according to the anchor on the Nightly News. Playboy has declared nudes passé because
If I hadn’t died, I’d still be bouncing along in that Greyhound bus through the mountains swigging a Coke.
Used to be she’d tell him what to get at the grocery store and he always brought it back. Now she makes a list.
They moved in on Sunday, a bright and sunny day, the first black family on the bloc… They drove up in two U-Hauls and slowly carried furniture
You love your grandson, this blue bundle in your arms. There’s no doubt about that. He has peaches for cheeks and the sky’s in his eyes
Before dawn Bill stoops under crimson leaves of the low-hanging Japanese Maple
It’s time to leave the man alone. He’s getting old, his wife says. He’s really slowing down. He’s always been a man occupied with one thing
Something’s still bright when a widow dies and her son flies in gives her body to science has the movers