It doesn’t matter who wins. Life will go on as it has in previous years when others have won and have taken charge.
I was very small the day they bombed Pearl Harbor but I remember my mother dashing around the kitchen saying nothing to me
Other than death there’s no way to escape them unless you’re a hummingbird
No one goes to the patio now except at night when Ann goes out to spread old bread and sunflower seed on the small table for birds
Married 60 years Fred and Daisy still are very different people. All day long they hide their differences to make
Two grackles, black birds shiny and iridescent, nest again this year high and deep in our tall spruce.
The uncommon is common in America today. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, Seinfeld
It’s a retirement haven for people with money but it works like a Roach Motel. People move i… but never move out. You and your wife move in to
When I was eight I jumped off a roof as if I had a parachute and broke a leg. He was there when I landed,
Lamentations loud amid the tears following Orlando. Another call to take guns from people
Her corded belt python tight around a tiny waist makes her blooms bigger brighter as they unfold
Every four years I vote and every four years for the last 40 years the same lady has signed me in
He wants to be fair to both sides because there’s an election coming soon so he tells his side every day
Pete’s never needed anything from childhood on. His parents had it all and gave it to him so it’s hard for him to understand why
In two more hours I’ll have to sh… shave and coffee-prop my lids and otherwise prepare for day. It’… and now the barkeep, Griggs, is rushing me, the first