I sit here at peace and mind my own business and hope for a butterfly. I never take one out of the air. I paint only the flight of the but…
We’re troubled by the very rich we see only on TV and worry about the poor who sleep at night in doorways and in parks, the trul… with little more than the clothes…
It was the first time that senators had been asked to go home and address parent-teacher meetings at all the middle schools in their states. Each had been given a sheet of talking point...
As the snow swirls around them, an old man in a wheelchair uses sign language to tell another old man standing at the bus stop, “Friend,
Niagara Falls her silver hair so long it bounces off the swan
When my neighbor told me over the fence a month ago the doctor said she had two years to live,
Father the chameleon was lime gree… the first day I saw him peering in… my crib smiling and he remained lime green until kindergarten when a nun called the house and sa…
The guillotine dropped between you and a friend over coffee and small talk. The first time it dropped it was someone who said
Sleet on the turnpike in the middle of the night but I keep driving, both hands on the wheel, nowhere to pull off,
When Bill goes home to the church of his youth he finds things are different. They don’t sing “Amazing Grace” the way they did when he was
This just in. In metro St. Louis last night a woman gave birth to a boy in the bathroom of her second-floor apartment.
Handsome is as handsome does, Jeanie always said, when Donald was away on business.
For years Rocky’s Diner had always done a great business for breakfast and lunch but his dinner business had fallen off recently as folks moved to the suburbs, got married, died or simp...
My mother always said my father was a little odd and she lived wit… all those years and should have kn… When we were small my sister and… knew he was different. No other fa…
Your life as explained in your letter recently received is very difficult to read. It’s been 40 years since we last saw each other or talked. Most of your problems I knew nothing about....