Although it snowed a little Wedne… Jane’s hyacinths are blooming. And in the yard she saw this morni… 50 robins hopping in the sun. Some flew in couples into trees
Natural Family Planning has its ups and downs so to speak but it often works quite well. But when the calendar
What will she do with him? That is, if she’s elected. She’ll have to take him with her to the White House after keeping him in the doghouse.
The man in the ER, sutured and bandaged, told the nurse there wasn’t anyone she could call to give him a lift home.
Snow on Christmas Day. As I walk out with bird seed birds cry Santa’s here. Donal Mahoney
On Saturday mornings several bowed citizens gather on the sidewalk outside the clinic to read the Bible and pray.
Old Tim drove 600 miles back home to his shed in the woods a month after burying his wife up north in the city where they me… more than 60 years ago.
Long article in the paper this morning stops Tim from gobbling his bacon and eggs. Bears are starving in the woods. Too many cubs, too little food.
We’re going dancing, my wife and… to a Charity Ball high in the sky… Glenn Miller’s band has been play… since 1944, the year his plane got… over the English Channel.
The late Justice Scalia, a strict conservative on the Supreme Court, would have voted in favor of prayer
Many decades ago when I was a kid we always expected rain at 3 p.m. on Good Friday said to be the hour
She lives by a lake. After a heavy snow she looks out the window and sees black swans in a long, straight line
They moved in on Sunday, a bright and sunny day, the first black family on the bloc… They drove up in two U-Hauls and slowly carried furniture
Roscoe and two cousins rented a va… and drove to Mississippi for the f… of another cousin they grew up wit… It took six hours to get where three old men didn’t want to go
Beautiful fall day in a potter’s field outside a small town. A funeral is underway but that doesn’t stop