Donal Mahoney

Atomic Clocks

Years ago my wife
bought three wall clocks,
atomic clocks they’re called.
They require no batteries
and you don’t plug them in.
They do everything
automatically, as many
of you know.
They’re synchronized
with the U.S. Atomic Clock
in Boulder, Colorado,
our country’s official clock.
It regulates time
on clocks, computers
and other devices.
Two of our atomic clocks
are running well but
the one has problems.
For two days its hands
have been spinning
out of control
like the propeller
on a helicopter piloted
by Peter Sellers.
I told my wife we must
get rid of the spinning clock
and the others because
someone may have hacked
Big Brother Clock in Colorado
and installed listening devices.
All these years, they may have
recorded my phone conversations
with my contact in Liechtenstein.
I don’t want anyone to know
I am a spy for Liechtenstein
and paid well for my efforts.
I’d rather everyone know
I lead our Block Watch team
and report incidents that look
threatening to our safety.
I play both sides of the fence,
jumping back and forth.
My neighbors jump with me.
We’re Independents.
Donal Mahoney

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