Some say when daffodils shoot up Spring is here. It’s safe to put away your boots and shovels.
Let me be a star and shine in places darkness dwells or let me be a bell and ring in places
One, a nun, has her transfer in her hand. She’s silently praying. Another, a hooker, has her income in her purse.
From my stool in the diner I watc… the old woman with elm tree arms command the big booth in back and roar for a menu, take a half hour to read it
Puerto Rican girl thin, thin, let street lights pour bourbon on your hair, anise on your skin.
When the president speaks from the podium and mentions the 20 children shot to death at Sandy Hook by a lunatic with a rifle,
We’re upset when vandals desecrate a cemetery and disrespect the dead not so much when doctors vandalize the womb
After World War II before television, before women had tattoos before men wore earrings, I was a child in a world
The other day I was talking to a neighbor who said he has found a way to help the poor and improve our environment simultaneously. It’s no secret, he said, that we have a dire food shor...
Remember, a blind man can see things a sighted man can’t… So I’ll tell you about her and th… you can tell me whether I’m right. The first time a man meets her,
Ten years later he still mourns the death of his friend, Bill, such a smart man he could talk to
Covey of nuns without benefit of wimple graciously attired sport coat, turtleneck, skirt scurry through the airport
I was warm and toasty, curled up, napping in amniotic fluid, without a worry when suddenly
We worry so much because we’re nice people. We want to find a way to feed the poor house the poor
Someday you’ll be in bed dying like I am now and people you love and some you don’t will come by to say good-bye. They don’t know what to say because we’re all amat…