How are things, Adolph? This is Brian, from NBC. Thanks for the interview. It will air in September if the network brings me back.
America has had presidents who will be remembered as much for what they said as for what they did. Americans will never forget
The others, of course, are more ra… but less apt to show it. Whenever I strike, I never romp o… I stand with the wrist that I’ve… from the lady locked in my teeth
He saved money for years to vacation in the Everglades because he has degrees in the study of reptiles. He’s an expert at the zoo.
Two grackles, black birds shiny and iridescent, nest again this year high and deep in our tall spruce.
Sometimes you sit for days sucking yourself in praying the right words will fall in your ear toboggan over the whorls
Linda’s an animal person who puts her money where her mouth is, owns a ranch outside the city and takes in kittens, puppies, birds that
A minister’s son married a deacon’s daughter after a long courtship. It was difficult at times doing everything right
Let’s stop the crying, Millie. It’s true our friends are dying. They’re old like you and me. Why not celebrate instead that 80 years ago you and I
Gram tells Stella on the phone her neighborhood is full of old fo… She hasn’t seen Stella in 60 year… and won’t see her again because of the canyon of miles between the…
Dad hit me only once, an uppercut to the solar plexus. It nearly lifted me off my feet. I was 17 then and already fairly tall, 6’1.” He was 48 and of medium height, 5’8,” a fireplug who...
Let’s look at him from his point o… living as he does in a penthouse on top of a building bearing his n… riding an elevator down a few floo… to an office where he oversees
If one could store them in the attic without stir and turn to other things, to picking fruit, perhaps, or seeding it, one could afford
In a storefront laundry on North Clark Street brown draperies release this quiet man who has my shirts.
In St. Louis young blacks carry guns like cell phones and use them often to shoot each other, as we read in the daily paper