The two weeks I spent in that small town on assignment, I saw no blacks except for two older women regal in every way,
Grandpa has a grandson he hopes will win a scholarship to meet the high cost of college. He tells his grandson to learn how to play the tuba and apply
Hillary was at the podium setting the record straight for people who have a problem with the tone of her voice. She said when Bill was
After the TV mavens had their say the gnomes crept out of their cave… spoke and returned to their caves. Thunder struck, hell broke loose and the mavens came back on TV
Herb’s wife says the grass needs cutting and Herb agrees. She says the neighbors are upset he hasn’t cut it for the last five weeks.
America has had presidents who will be remembered as much for what they said as for what they did. Americans will never forget
This traveling salesman has worn out six vans in 40 years and he hopes to retire soon. Age and illness
They’re in the kitchen, drinking coffee, the kids, in their fifties now, figuring out what to do about Dad who’s
Some choose not to have children others maybe one or two three seems to be the max now it’s not like when Paul was young and a family might have had six or…
Puerto Rican girl thin, thin, let street lights pour bourbon on your hair, anise on your skin.
Summer evenings after the news at 6 p.m. the Widow Murphy comes out of her tiny bungalow and sits on her front porch swing
They’ve been here for years two blue jays who live in our yard year round. In winter they’re silent at the feeder but screeching
Born at the foot of the mountain what will you do? You have time to decide but some die young.
Where will the lovely lady go on her diurnal walk? One child in 30 years she bore, now they do not talk. Supple, firm, her lithe legs are,
Two old men meet for coffee once a week at a diner while their wives play cribbage. Jim says he has a problem. His wife leaves the water running