June 13th, 2023
This hope A cold burning A flame made of shadow Fueled by need and fueled by desir… Goes out
I want to walk away I want this hope to stay I’m twisted and torn My promise, I’m sworn To see you again someday
What I do Was for you Now it’s me Found self love But I still
My vision clouds with these tears Tears made from our memories Maybe one day the they will stop Or I won’t feel them anymore
I drank you in Like a fish Gasping for water Little did I know You were a shark
My self deprecation Are humbling jokes As to starve my ego Not a reflection of self hatred My sense of self
It would be easier If I could hate you If you had so utterly decimated me That I couldn’t stand again It would be easier
My hands grow weaker This hold I will prolong My legs shake and quiver But still I’ll stand strong My mind is chaos
This noose of hope Around my neck A memory rope Myself I wreck I cannot leave
As I step forward I look back for one last time I wish you all the best
This bed is too big I have too much space These blankets are too much Engulfing me, but I still shiver I have too much food
I see you Stars have gone from your eyes int… The warmth of the sun feels so fam… In the drops of rain I can hear y… Letting my tears blend with each d…
One day I hope your love Will reunite with mine Or so I tell myself because It won’t
Hello my Darling, how are you? How was your day? What can I do? Hello my Love,
It’s not the familiarity It’s not the loneliness It’s not the memories It’s not the safety It’s not the comfortability