Rest your head on my shoulder When you’re feeling tired Let me sing of your praises When you need to be inspired Bend my ear to your lips
Help me to understand it Help open up my eyes I’m trying to move past it But I can’t seem to see why When we’re together
I mourn not for what we had, I mourn for a future lost. A foundation laid of promises, Promises that now seem so easily b… I cry not for this loneliness,
Are you eating enough? Are you staying hydrated? Are you loving yourself? Or is your breath left bated? Are you sleeping enough?
A sudden Good-Bye Is not a finality But a paused Hello
Long-lost souls unite, Tears of joy in heartfelt hugs, Reunion’s embrace.
The World ended, not with a bang, but with a sniffle. a tear. a cracked voice. First came the Horseman of Silenc…
With words left unspoken These promises broken Are washed away by These emotions awoken Forgive the sinner
Rain & sun Flowers bloom Spring has sprung Fading the gloom In summers heat
What I mistook for your warmth I now realize was actually a freez… You found me, built me up Then destroyed me You claim to care about me
It’s easy to tell someone, “Just move on”, When you weren’t the one In their shoes. It’s easy to tell someone,
I want to walk away I want this hope to stay I’m twisted and torn My promise, I’m sworn To see you again someday
Like a tower of crystal glasses My hope stacks higher Waiting to come crashing down And lacerate my heart below A thousand tiny shards
I drank you in Like a fish Gasping for water Little did I know You were a shark
I see you Stars have gone from your eyes int… The warmth of the sun feels so fam… In the drops of rain I can hear y… Letting my tears blend with each d…