The Author’s Personal Tribute:
In a world where so many intolerable pressures, and of such diversity too, are unwarrantedly and quite invariably damagingly as well exerted on others who unthinkingly assume and even implausibly, in my opinion, literally convince themselves that they must flow with the tide of embarrassing inanity and even outright, rank stupidity is rather mindboggling to say the least; yet this quite preposterous conduct and the glaringly compulsive craving to please others, even those that the individual doesn’t really know at all and simultaneously to be some person other than one’s self happens repeatedly.
So it’s a most refreshing change and in the process an undeniable inspiration, I freely admit, to happily come across someone like you Samantha, who despite your having a complete array of the most endearing qualities that huge numbers of individuals clearly don’t have, and therefore can only dream about, you nevertheless are the personification of self-control and graciousness coupled with a selfless readiness to be both pleasant and helpful at all times. And very aware of this from the onset of our first meeting I’ve decided to write you this poem Samantha.