Author’s Remarks:
Ever since Adam convinced Eve that it was she who persuaded him, and not himself in an act of his volition, to afford himself the fortuitous opportunity to fulsomely avail himself of her scrumptious apple and pleasurably by doing so individually awoke the dormant sexual passion within both of them that subsequently in physical terms thoroughly satisfied their heterosexual requirements, and from a religious perspective gave rise we’re biblically informed to humanity, subsequent generations of human beings have consistently been debating and even vehemently arguing about whose role it actually is to initiate sexual adventures between males and females as well as the modus operandi they should appropriately employ to do so. A consensus on which neither side to-date, it seems, is willingly prepared to universally compromise on this issue, and so this contentious debate with all its various disagreements and arguments rumble on.
Well, not everywhere I’m pleased to say. For in my ancestral homeland of Barbados a rather pragmatic approach has sensibly, intelligently, compatibly and effectively in the interests of all concerned maturely been adopted. And it’s along these practical lines: That a man chases a woman until at the right time of her own choosing she decisively decides to catch him. That way both participants in this love game can truthfully say that the invariably successful end result of this joint adventure of theirs is doubtlessly one in which their individual contributions can’t honestly be decried or underrated; and therefore there’s no need on the part of either of them to get embroiled in mutual antagonisms or unwarranted castigations. Thus guaranteeing for them, and as best as any human being can, a permanent window of pleasurable opportunity for those who’re willing to participate with composure and amorous determination in their joint sexual adventure.