By Stanley Collymore The major difference that exists between animals and human beings is, that animals don’t ever pretend
By Stanley Collymore You’re nothing Recep Tayyip Erdo… putting your alleged and avid proc… abusing defences goats aside, you… most odious, egotistic self-indulg…
By Stanley Collymore Whether you choose to stay or pref… away is a decision you’ll have to… entirely on your own. But won’t it be much better if you were to stay
By Stanley Collymore Your humanity, inspirational leade… and sympathetic alliance with the… the persistently marginalized, unw… outcast, the intentionally made po…
By Stanley Collymore Britain: a country self-evidently and markedly devoid of real talent and ability but also filled to the brim, with quite ent…
By Stanley Collymore It’s not the easiest thing in the world, being actually a Saint you know. And, to actually tell you the God’s honest
By Stanley Collymore A truly exciting, and similarly as well a very unquestionably too distinctively appetising meal; that emphatically essentially
By Stanley Collymore Absolutely incredible but equally worrying, how obviously many biologically related relatives whose only tenuous relationship wi…
By Stanley Collymore Seriously Daily Mail purporting t… serious newspaper which intelligen… folk quite undoubtedly know that you effectively aren’t; if I truly…
By Stanley Collymore Women giving birth then literally, quite physically dumping their newborn babies undeniably rather conveniently wherever and a…
By Stanley Collymore Just because you are her biologica… mother doesn’t in the least sense unquestionably automatically, authoritatively, irrefutably and m…
By Stanley Collymore Plenty of political parties have d… leaders, and even actual leaders, who haven’t been elected as MPs to their actual national parl…
By Stanley Collymore There are often multiple reasons given either espousing, usually advocating or even actually being significantly totally sympat…
By Stanley Collymore It’s over a year now that we becam… going out together. And though the… sexual intimacy between the two of… self-evidently from my personal pe…
By Stanley Collymore Ridiculed and scorned it was you That gave me the inspiration To carry on – for in their Intense hatred of you,