
Narcissistic and totally self-entitled with it!

By Stanley Collymore
Personally and unequivocally from
me you self-entitled pillocks can
all get stuffed! As frankly, I am
thoroughly sick and bloody well tired of
these airline stories, actually attendant
with these obviously, clearly dimwitted
but, all the same, undeniably arrogant
and simply obviously too, significantly
undoubtedly intellectually challenged
airline passengers who quite stupidly
incessantly think that life clearly is or
really should essentially be distinctly
all about them. Nevertheless from a
truly intelligent perspective however
what’s now quite naturally blazoned
by the tabloids basically ridiculously
as a serious problem is evidently to
thinking minds though categorically
nothing of the kind and for obvious
and literally clear-sighted reasons!
For if you book a flight to wherever
you personally and freely choose
to go to; and also for whatever
reason that choice is actually made; the
exact moment that you effectively book
that plane seat having clearly specified
your exact requirements; distinctly told
by the airline involved, that your stated
individual requirements are absolutely
ideally in order; you then cheerfully go
ahead with that booking and naturally
pay the full requisite cost for the seat
which you’ve personally selected and
have been allocated, that seat simply
effectively and literally unequivocally
becomes yours. And if subsequently
to the aforementioned and distinctly
obviously catalogued actions, some
irrefutably ignorant prat of whatever
gender, age or race and with a vilely
rather evidently perceived notion of
their own obviously insular societal
or racial importance, and insolently
too basically viewed as undeniably
truly infinitely superior to your own
arbitrarily, and most haughtily also
incredibly determines that they do
much prefer the seat which you’re
in to the one that they have rather
properly been allocated, and so it
is only proper, that you’re fittingly
moved to facilitate their demand.
The pompous audacity of actually
assuming that one’s haughty
demands spurred on by
their pressing need for the alleviation of
a genuine problem or more realistically
nothing more relevantly essential than
hollow excuses, literally galvanized by
nothing more pertinent than basically
dumb hubris really on the requester’s
part, simply to get someone to move
from where they rather rightfully are,
so they can then grab and make full
use of that distinct seating location
which they neither booked nor paid
for. And effectively, isn’t something
that any really right minded person
would regard as fair, or regard as a
request to be generally acceded to.
And significantly why should they?
Since quite basically, if it’s all that
important for others: effectively
family members or friends, to
essentially sit together during a plane
flight, then surely and similarly rather
intelligently, they should’ve obviously
planned to do so in advance, as well
as made the relevant arrangements
and essentially pay for it all upfront;
not simply wilfully omit to do so for
reasons known only to themselves.
Then foolishly or arrogantly expect
those who’ve actually meticulously
observed the requisite regulations
evidently in place, by very logically
sensibly financially forking out for
their own distinct requirements to
then quite arbitrarily and similarly
be automatically inconvenienced
into invalidating their own clearly
lawful, and very moral right to be
precisely where they’re presently
sitting; simply for the rather sick
and basically arrogant chancers
to hubristically seek to dislodge
the obvious rightful owner from
where they are is rather morally
amoral in every discernible way.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 July 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Self-entitlement, a quite malevolent and similarly too a rather sick and evidently pathetic characteristic that has always infested the white British population, a state of affairs endured by the fact that Britain once had an empire and a reality that has ludicrously and quite laughably become a delusional safety crutch for a quite significant number of these same white Britons, now that that said empire is no longer a reality except in their very sick and actually pathetic minds, hence the blatant, obsessional preoccupation with Brexit, even though it's undeniably a hugely unmitigated failure with these prime idiots kidding themselves they're so much better off firmly standing up to the rest of the world when nothing at all of the sort is discernibly happening and it's all very essentially, distinctly nothing but a fictional mirage rapidly circulating through the generally, delusional minds of white Brits and their non-white House Nigger and Coconut Useful Idiots!

People who find it naturally impossible to quite realistically come to terms with a modern 21st Century with its distinct emphasis on equality, meritocracy and unbiased democracy, so instead rather asininely staunchly cling in their inferior state of mind to an outdated effectively Middle Ages, obviously unaccountable, and an entrenched monarchical system firmly supported by its hereditary class of hangers on who ensure that the very beneficial class system they essentially thrive on remains intact and effectively keeps the inferior minded serfs duly in their place and clearly fawning to them.

Hardly surprising therefore that this pernicious and sickeningly odious concept of one-upmanship so endemically engrained in British culture clearly carries on quite rampantly in the 21st Century as it has always so characteristically and invasively done during the Dark and Middle Ages! Even when it comes down to distinctively absolutely puerile matters of seating arrangements on commercial airline flights.

To be perfectly honest with you, were I ever having taken all the requisite steps to ensure I had the seat I wanted on any commercial flight, paid for that convenience and to then subsequently find myself quite distinctively and selfishly put in such an invidious position where I was automatically expected to fully comply with the selfish demands of others and specifically people who I didn’t know or actually hadn’t even previously met, I know precisely what my automatic verbal response would be. And you don’t have to be psychic or a mind reader to work out that one out!


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