
Maureen Callaghan: a bi-sexual Piers Morgan constantly creating hate; the only commodity she has to trade!

By Stanley Collymore
Harry clearly hasn’t been any more
destructive, if a word can as you
ignorant, gullible and basically
societally fawning morons now in a huge
sea change self-evidently think as you’re
told to and, is quite essentially, the case
and you must behave most accordingly
so literally in relation to his stepmother
Camilla; and incredibly, undeniably, the
powers that be, have thus significantly
gotten great sections of British society
to forgive her and clearly conveniently
actually overlook, Camilla’s misdeeds,
that unmistakably should be forgiven.
Thus, isn’t the most crucially relevant
thing, generally at the end of any day,
specifically the actual likelihood that
the Windsor family, obviously have a
relationship really of their choosing?
One very essentially of the kind that
they genuinely and positively want
with each other, or otherwise? To
which Iikewise I personally and obviously
emphatically add, that all of you actually
quite evidently unproductive, but clearly
too inured Karen racists like the rabidly
odious, clandestine, and actually quite
cowardly although unquestionably so
heterosexually married– significantly
unequivocally, licentiously, distinctly
rampant Dyke– Maureen Callaghan.
Unquestionably as well a monetary
obsessed moron clearly fittingly in
tandem with the puerile nauseous,
literally toxically verminous losers,
undoubtedly comprising Maureen
Callaghan’s bosses, and evidently
rather indisputably, the financially
relevantly indispensable clickbait
cretins, that this quite discernibly
obviously undoubtedly talentless
Stockholm syndrome ludicrously
distinctively imbecilic, so Paddy,
and an unquantifiably, Irish cunt,
is quite fundamentally all about!
A prized, talentless, white Karen
prat, who very self-evidently
simply can’t leave Harry,
Meghan and their two Children alone, is
Maureen Callaghan, because evidently
most essentially it’s a bandwagon she
clearly, obsessively needs to jump on,
because literally without the plethora
of crucially quite vitriolic bile against
them, and distinctly too prodigiously
manufactured and readily copiously
lodged there there’s unquestionably
characteristically obviously nothing
of any originality or evidently which
is actually, compellingly interesting
that she can either generally say or
anyone, including these very same
dense, low-life scum that Maureen
Callaghan undoubtedly panders to
without her simply vile, discernibly
sick, and unquestionably similarly
hateful mention of Meghan, Harry
and their children which everyone
I imagine with a functioning brain
and obviously ruling out all these
very toxically verminous clickbait
pillocks, really don’t want to hear!
Significantly so, why you should
butt out Maureen Callaghan
because you don’t know
any of them within this Windsor family,
and evidently, least among them Harry
or Meghan and clearly quite obviously
also neither of their two simply young
children, about whom you vindictively
as well as ignorantly and distinctively
maliciously Maureen Callaghan evilly
write all of your actually nonsensical
and discernibly, quite toxically made
up shit solely based on your fucking
malevolently egregious, and literally
very delusionally speculative idiotic
Irish speculation. No actual wonder
then, that the white British who you
simply ingrained idiots still actually
slavishly fawn to so fittingly kicked
your crucially noxious asses out of
Ireland having first tried to suitably
basically genocidally get rid of you
through their skilful, evilly induced,
and cunning potato famine clearly
obligatorily causing you reprobate
and distinctively too, irredeemably
cowardly pathetic mother fuckers
to simply actually flee to the USA;
but your sycophantic types, never
learn do you Maureen Callaghan?
And unquestionably, you’re not fit
to even lick the boots, of the truly
undoubtedly valiant likes, of Sinn
Fein supporters and the ace IRA!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Numerous numbers of decent and highly commendable Irish Americans have very literally, hard-workingly and likewise quite altruistically, given much quite beneficially not only to their adopted country, the USA and unquestionably as well their ancestral homeland Ireland, but rather unmistakably as well the world generally, doing so in that process of theirs very altruistically! Some, like JFK, and discernibly his brother Bobby have even forfeited their lives in this noble process!

Then we have Irish scum and undoubtedly British Stockholm syndrome, sycophantic ones like you around and most egregiously in the process breathing God's wholesome air. And most ironically so in a country that is clearly rampantly inundated with guns, a state of affairs that your evilly actually and odiously, toxically verminous sort distinctly and sickeningly abhorrently relish and also actively support; never mind the ongoingly surfeit of actually innocent, decent people involuntarily, and most barbarously, forfeit their lives in this mania carried out by very mentally deranged lowlifes, so undeniably like your unquestionably sick self, Maureen Callaghan - several of them children!

Yet very regrettably you are alive Maureen Callaghan! Rather expectantly though, not for very much longer!


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