By Stanley Collymore They’re wealthy: not however by dint of hard work on their part or any skills applied through intellectual acumen– since in the…
By Stanley Collymore Have you ever tried to enter the m… thoroughbred moron, or more crucia… endeavoured to understand what, if anything, goes on there? It’s a
By Stanley Collymore If in actuality, Teresa Hanson ca… very approvingly to the Karens and similarly the likeminded Gammons across Britain intentiona…
By Stanley Collymore A definitely cold and blustery Ju… uproariously blowing at knots, and… is it all that quite literally eve… large or small and capable of inde…
You’re pathetically talking through your vile ass Robert Jobson but as the very fucking, thoroughly ingrained; simply, and distinctly rather evilly, hypocritical and brownnosing, monarc...
By Stanley Collymore There are obviously some very positive people around, who in their own country along with others globally who commendab…
By Stanley Collymore You entered my life unexpectedly;… momentous occasion or as I recall… occurrence that I particularly wel… or was likewise pleased about, but…
By Stanley Collymore These Windsor taxpayer funded holidays simply serve no real beneficial purposes, other than clearly evidently for this sp…
By Stanley Collymore You obviously don’t know me for we… met or been formally introduced to… though we’ve seen each other aroun… time now and, as such, there’s alw…
By Stanley Collymore It would certainly be lovely, but totally unexpected, if Kate Middleton started showing a talent; other than
By Stanley Collymore It’s not right for anyone to be bullied or equally harassed; but why should these tech companies decide only now to act w…
By Stanley Collymore Kate being photographed looking like a Butlin’s rep with a group of children, who effectively couldn’t look more unengaged if th…
By Stanley Collymore You were expressly and happily bot… and cheerfully welcomed into Barba… where by no means whatever you were literally indigenous to our C…
By Stanley Collymore The actual taxpayers not the clearly vociferously bogus, state benefits recipients, and delusional ones have paid for
By Stanley Collymore The cynical and narcissistically c… parade of the Labtory political pr… grasping scavengers has thankfully… been halted in its tracks; and in…