Chris Gaither

The Brain Is Pattern-seeking; the Spirit Is Pattern-finding

Much like God created the universe
Where before there was no universe,
In this universe we find patterns
Where, upon first glance
There are no apparent patterns, just chaos
But once we look closely
Which we do by opening our hearts along with our minds
We begin to discern a pattern–
Working slowly
It takes six full days for the pattern to crystallize
And then, on the seventh day
When we rest
We see that the pattern is good
Our word for that pattern is God
And when we attempt to put that pattern into words
We always fail
Because only God can put His own pattern into words
Which He did
Once and for all (on Sinai)
As all will finally see
When they are ready to turn on the lights
They were born ready
But they just haven’t realized it yet
As they still have a bad habit
You might call it a pattern
Of turning out the lights
By trying to extinguish the light unto the nations
But God is about to turn on the lights for good
Because patterns can only be interrupted
By a big surprise
Which will come as no surprise
To the People of the Book

Autres oeuvres par Chris Gaither...
