Chris Gaither

“May the two angels who accompany me through life and therefore have been listening to my tefillah, please respond and say Amen”

My two angels are named Mayim and Chaim

I’m no angel
But I have two angels–
One to protect me from others
And one to protect me from myself
So, I was never alone
Still, I was always afraid to be alone
And preventively fashioned myself a loner
Bent on controlling others
Out of fear that I can’t control myself
Watching me drown in six inches of water
My angels could have dragged me to dry land–
Instead, they just told me to breathe
And now I’m a fish out of water
Learning to trust
That I’m a flying fish
Soaring up and down right up until
I return to the water of life
Making death the breath of life

Other works by Chris Gaither...
