Having priced myself Out of the market I’ve rebranded as generic
You will find The courage to be great If you first Dare to be grateful
My social medi– a persona is the mime who just won’t shut up
Imagine all the things They wouldn’t allow If they were invented now Anything fast: No motorcycles
I risked loss And lost; I win
On a gray scale Of one to ten I’m a perfect five
Instead of shooting bullets into t… to celebrate I raise my leaf blower towards the… On blue moons I do this from my jet ski
Your search for a vein is now done in vain under the soft tyranny of wireless narcotics in whose touchless embrace
Anticipation or dread work equally well at stopping time though the length of the work week
Whoever said It’s lonely at the top must have never had their own spelling group in third grade
She believed me when I said that my life was based on a true story
The phrase A woman’s intuition Tells us that a woman Is more intuitive Than a man
Believing that one can use social media for good is like thinking one can live in the Matrix without fueling the Machines
Everyone knows it could go either way but no one believes it could have gone either way So we tell ourselves
In a word, the internet is a Goliath Remember, Moshiach will be from the line of… Goliath,