Chris Gaither

Cleaved to God, Man Always Persists and Cannot Be Defeated; Cleaved from God, Man Defeats Himself in Perpetuity Because Once You Surrender God There Is No Surrender

What is the culture war really being fought over?
The battlefield is littered with clues—
Those clues are our dead bodies
That still walk
And talk
Saying whatever comes to hive mind
Again, the clues are the bodies;
Everything being said is a red herring
The clue found on the persons of the walking dead
Is the absence of mind
And where nature abhors a vacuum
Power loves it–
Hence, the culture war is being fought over
Who gets to vacuum up the gray matter between our ears
And every combatant is a materialist
Who would stuff our skulls with quantum foam
The better to receive the command signal
From the quantum computer leading each of our armies
Into an eternal combat
Based on the decisive quantum leap
Away from God
As the quantum computer sustains all data
In the form of a zero and one
The war can’t go on.  It goes on.

Other works by Chris Gaither...
