It used to be that We could feed our souls By serving others Or feed our egos By serving ourselves
We guard the thin line between love and hate by loving more But we cross the thin line between self-love and self-hate
Which came first The morals Or the justification Hint: The #1 excuse
I wasn’t born to follow mainly because I would never go through a red light
You can use the Force or you can use force and the Force will use you because the Dark Side or the Light Side
I have what I need I know what I want I do all that I can until my day… My God does all the rest Or
I always liked making people laugh until my undergraduates told me that it was an abuse of power asym…
All forms of life have an unconsci… sentient animals have developed co… to extend the unconscious’ operati… and human beings have developed la… to make consciousness the unconsci…
My favorite tennis player of all time is the Frenchman Guy Forget because man always forgets
Did we stop playing the long game because it is the wrong game or is it only the wrong game because we’ve long since stopped p… Or is asking that question more of…
That moment when you reclassify yourself from a mystery to an unsolved mystery
The epic poem for this epoch will have to say the most with the least
A smartphone with AI is to a person as a person is to a horse
Science was happily letting the cat out of the bag until Schrodinger’s Cat was found in and out of the bag at the same time
When I was a child The most authoritarian teacher Exerted her control through Silent lunch Yesterday, in the cafeteria