Memories flood through my head Drowning me once again Days turn to years But the suffering never ends Memories resurfacing
You hide behind your big smile But I know you wear a mask And I see the lies you hide I see the scarred fragile soul Cracking beneath the weight.
The blank page stares back at me Mocking me with his taunting glare… The hands on the clock ticking - t… chanting, “Failure, failure, failu… My mind is frozen. I’m blank.
Time ceases to exist Vanishing from my mind As my worries cry All the things I can’t control Throwing me back
I thought I knew What was love That I would recognize it When it came to the door Greet it with open arms
Waking in a cold sweat Choking for breathe Scared to death The shadows prancing In the darkness
An escape from the pain Someplace soft to fall When the world knocks me down And the ground is hard. Decorated by the hearts
Looking in the window I’m frozen in place As I watch the scene inside I’m looking at the woman Who claims to be an outsider
I’m exhausted No fight left My lids so heavy Rocks mark my eyes No tears left
A fluke encounter Letter after letter Turning me inside out Each new exchange Giving me
My ceiling is dreary The white paint Paled from the years Flaking and peeling I stare morbidly content
Sympathetic stares linger On my crumbling face As tears attack Streaming down my cheeks Breaking through the depths of my…
Guarantees a long painful death ...
My fingers gliding across the keys In a race to keep up with My wayward thoughts Drifting through me head Things demanding to be out
Disappointment is everywhere I lo… It is in the faces of those I adm… And shown in their actions I wish I could fix everything All the hurt feelings