That is a new poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Ya man I am the Father Of Jamaica You are all my people Ya man
Some kind of ghosts Are living in my dreams But I don’t know if it is the gho… Also they have a scary face And that is all I know
I don’t understand Why so many people Walked out of my life And left me alone I am now living in Isolation
I need to calm down again Because I losing my mind again That is the honest truth Father With our without you I need to work out
Living my life in your hands Because Father, you also own me Also, I am one of your sons I know that you have lots of other… Besides me
Take a load of Aldo My father I been Carrying a heavy load Full of my problems That I keep Putting it of
Never too late To make new Friends in our Lives Because we
Who knows What the weather Will be tomorrow Because today We had all day
I will be home for summer And you people That miss me Will be able to see me again Because I was away
It is impossible To live without my father In my life It is impossible To live without the Summer
Un soire That I go to bed early Because it is now my Bed time AIso I am glad that
Canadian warrior Is fighting over seas In that brutal war That will never end Canadian Warrior
Father I am always Praying for you Every single night I never miss a night
When you call me Nigeria To ease the pain of the Dying and ill people I will be on my way to Nigeria With the airplane
I wanna pray with somebody That Is also a Christian like me Also we need to pray for our Father Before we go to bed