That is a new poem Written by AIdo Kraas
Dear mama You are pregnant with me Now I am inside you womb And you will carry for 9 months I hope I will be a healthy baby
All about my Father He is the one that Made us Many years ago And we are here
I need to calm down again Because I losing my mind again That is the honest truth Father With our without you I need to work out
I believe I will die In peace some day And If God calls me I will be ready for him I don’t have good health anymore
How do you want Your life to be Do you want To be a Christian Also black people
Serious cases I have lots The one that bothers me A lot is my anger That I don’t know
Stay with me My Father Because I been depress For a long time Because you have
Niger Cozier It is too bad That my Father Made a Niger Like you
I am also proud To belong to the Polvo Brazileiro Also many years when I was born one Brazilian
I won’t feel bad That people takes me for granted I won’t feel bad For being too judgemental I must say that it is me
My love That my Father gave to me I will share with my siblings Because they also need love From me
When you feel Lonely And cold Come into the house Of the Lord
I am powerful with my words Because I use them When I am talking each day with t… That I come across with And the message that I am sending…
Never too late To make new Friends in our Lives Because we
I can feel it The beautiful wind that is Blowing on my face Yes the wind is Cooling my face