That is a new poem Written by Aldo Kraas
It doesn’t matter to me What the rich people thinks About the poor I know that the rich people hate t… Poor
Julie I am so glad That we are there for each other I have my strong message That is my poetry
Ya man I am the Father Of Jamaica You are all my people Ya man
Handsome men Is wearing his new glasses And he can see better With them He has some cataract on his left e…
I have a choice I must write poetry every day For my Father and my friends It is my Father who have made I in his image
What do you mean I am not human? Of course I am human I Was created by my Father
Serious cases I have lots The one that bothers me A lot is my anger That I don’t know
How do you want Your life to be Do you want To be a Christian Also black people
It is impossible To live without my father In my life It is impossible To live without the Summer
Stay with me My Father Because I been depress For a long time Because you have
My love That my Father gave to me I will share with my siblings Because they also need love From me
Intuition abandon me Finally Today But before I had the intuition that
Quero viver a vida That my father gave To me I will not Waste my life
I am coming back To reality now Because for a long time now I was living in my dream world I was feeling safe
She has Pretty eyes The color of the sea Her eyes are green Also her eyes shines in the sun