That new poem Was written by Aldo Kraas
I still want my God To keep me Alive every single day That is all I need From my God
Tell like it is You don’t care for God But you care for money And money is your God I feel ashamed of you
The disability doesn’t stop you from being who you are. It is a part of who you are. It is a part of the way you were m… You were made to show and share yo…
Stay with me My Father Because I been depress For a long time Because you have
Whose life it is anyway Because He is always smoking A joint He doesn’t care
When you gone You left me in Shock Because I never Expected that
Spring You warm up my heart That is so cold And that cold that was inside of m… Is now gone
How do you want Your life to be Do you want To be a Christian Also black people
When I am feeling down When I need someone to talk to I will turn to you, My prince of peace Come into my heart
I don’t understand Why so many people Walked out of my life And left me alone I am now living in Isolation
People The love of God Is pure That he is giving To you every
I am also proud To belong to the Polvo Brazileiro Also many years when I was born one Brazilian
What’s on my mind now Is sleep And I know I slept badly this nig… Because I woke up at 12: 00 am And outside it is dark
You are alone In this world Pretending that everything Is fine But what I can’t understand is
We are trapped In a no win situation And we are all blacks Buying joints from The drug dealers in the street