That is a new poem Written by Aldo Kraas
Ya man I am the Father Of Jamaica You are all my people Ya man
Inside of Aldo’s life The curtain doesn’t rise anymore After 14 years And it is so painful for me to see… And to live with the fall every si…
Some kind of ghosts Are living in my dreams But I don’t know if it is the gho… Also they have a scary face And that is all I know
Who knows What the weather Will be tomorrow Because today We had all day
My love That my Father gave to me I will share with my siblings Because they also need love From me
Julie I am so glad That we are there for each other I have my strong message That is my poetry
Deep in December Is time to have A white Christmas So that the kids can make Snowman
God please bless Canada God Canada is our home And we are proud to live In Canada AIso Canada is a country
I will never walk alone Because I have my father That walks with me first thing In the morning Before it gets too hot
Niger Cozier It is too bad That my Father Made a Niger Like you
My worthless song Is good for nothing But I keep trying it any way Because inside of me There is a voice that is telling m…
Spring You warm up my heart That is so cold And that cold that was inside of m… Is now gone
Whose life it is anyway Because He is always smoking A joint He doesn’t care
I have fallen in love With the new country That I call home It is Canada I must say
I am a soul man Thanks to my Father Who kept the soul man Alive that is me Also my Father