’Twas always held, and ever will, By sage mankind, discreeter To anticipate a lesser ill Than undergo a greater. When mortals dread disease, pain,
A ballad. Written about the time… Come listen to my mournful tale, Ye tender hearts and lovers dear! Nor will you scorn to heave a sigh… Nor need you blush to shed a tear.
Will you hear how once repining Great Eliza captive lay, Each ambitious thought resigning, Foe to riches, pomp, and sway? While the nymphs and swains deligh…
Hail curious wights, to whom so fa… The form of mortal flies is! Who deem those grubs beyond compar… Which common sense despises. Whether o’er hill, morass or mound…
How pleased within my native bower… Erewhile I pass’d the day! Was ever scene so deck’d with flow… Were ever flowers so gay? How sweetly smiled the hill, the v…
‘See, Daphne, see!’ Florelio crie… ‘And learn the sad effects of prid… Yon shelter’d rose, how safe conce… How quickly blasted when reveal’d! ‘The sun with warm attractive rays
Madam,- Though rude the draughts, though a… From one unskill’d in verse, or in… Oft has good-nature been the fool’… And honest meaning gilded want of…
DECLINING AN INVITAT… While others, lost to friendship,… Waste their best minutes on a fore… Be mine, with British nymph or sw… And court the Genius of my native…
Insanis; omnes gelidis quaecunqne… Sunt tibi, Nasones Virgiliosque v… ~Mart. Imitation. —Thou know’st not what thou say’st…
When bright Roxana treads the gre… In all the pride of dress and mien… Averse to freedom, love, and play, The dazzling rival of the day; None other beauty strikes mine eye…
When Celia, love’s eternal foe, To rich old Gomez first was marri… And angry Cupid came to know His shafts had err’d, his bow misc… He sigh’d, he wept, he hung his he…
Thus Damon sung-What though unkno… Umbrageous coverts hide my Muse a… Or mid the rural shepherds flow my… Amid the rural shepherds, I am fr… To view sleek vassals crowd a stat…
Ah! why for ever on the wing Persists my wearied soul to roam? Why, ever cheated, strives to brin… Or pleasure or contentment home? Thus the poor bird, that draws his…
Ye shepherds so cheerful and gay, Whose flocks never carelessly roam… Should Corydon’s happen to stray, Oh! call the poor wanderers home. Allow me to muse and to sigh,
Hail curious Wights! to whom so f… The form of mortal flies is! Who deem those grubs beyond compar… Which common sense despises. Whether o’er hill, morass or mound…