Adieu, ye jovial Youths! who join To plunge old Care in floods of w… And, as your dazzled eyeballs roll… Discern him struggling in the bowl… Nor yet is hope so wholly flown,
Vide Shakspeare. Beneath a churchyard yew, Decay’d and worn with age, At dusk of eve methought I spied Poor Slender’s Ghost, that whimpe…
The lovely Delia smiles again! That killing frown has left her br… Can she forgive my jealous pain, And give me back my angry vow? Love is an April’s doubtful day;
Aliusque et idem. (Another and the same). When Tom to Cambridge first was s… A plain brown bob he wore; Read much, and look’d as though he…
What village but has sometimes see… The clumsy shape, the frightful mi… Tremendous claws, and shagged hair Of that grim brute yclept a bear? He from his dam the learn’d agree,
’Twas always held, and ever will, By sage mankind, discreeter To anticipate a lesser ill Than undergo a greater. When mortals dread disease, pain,
My banks they are furnish’d with b… Whose murmur invites one to sleep; My grottos are shaded with trees, And my hills are white-over with s… I seldom have met with a loss,
Martial. O Fortune! if my prayer of old Was ne’er solicitous for gold, With better grace thou may’st allo… My suppliant wish, that asks it no…
Will you hear how once repining Great Eliza captive lay, Each ambitious thought resigning, Foe to riches, pomp, and sway? While the nymphs and swains deligh…
Why o’er the verdant banks of Ous… Does yonder Halcyon speed so fast… ’Tis all because she would not los… Her favourite calm, that will not… The sun with azure paints the skie…
Ye birds! for whom I rear’d the g… With melting lay salute my love; My Daphne with your notes detain, Or I have rear’d my grove in vain… Ye flowers! before her footsteps r…
How pleased within my native bower… Erewhile I pass’d the day! Was ever scene so deck’d with flow… Were ever flowers so gay? How sweetly smiled the hill, the v…
The morn dispensed a dubious light… A sudden mist had stolen from sigh… Each pleasing vale and hill; When Damon left his humble bowers… To guard his flocks, to fence his…
Hail curious Wights! to whom so f… The form of mortal flies is! Who deem those grubs beyond compar… Which common sense despises. Whether o’er hill, morass or mound…
When first, Philander, first I ca… Where Avon rolls his winding stre… The nymphs, how brisk, the swains,… To see Asteria, queen of May! The parsons round her praises sung…