How pleased within my native bower… Erewhile I pass’d the day! Was ever scene so deck’d with flow… Were ever flowers so gay? How sweetly smiled the hill, the v…
A wit, by learning well refined, A beau, but of the rural kind, To Sylvia made pretences; They both profess’d an equal love, Yet hoped by different means to mo…
What village but has sometimes see… The clumsy shape, the frightful mi… Tremendous claws, and shagged hair Of that grim brute yclept a bear? He from his dam the learn’d agree,
My banks they are furnish’d with b… Whose murmur invites one to sleep; My grottos are shaded with trees, And my hills are white-over with s… I seldom have met with a loss,
Why droops this heart with fancied… Why sinks my soul beneath this win… What pensive crowds, by ceaseless… What myriads, wish to be as blesse… What though my roofs, devoid of po…
Thus Damon sung-What though unkno… Umbrageous coverts hide my Muse a… Or mid the rural shepherds flow my… Amid the rural shepherds, I am fr… To view sleek vassals crowd a stat…
‘Sir, will you please to walk befo… ‘No, pray, Sir-you are next the d… ‘Upon mine honour, I’ll not stir.… ‘Sir, I’m at home; consider, Sir’… ‘Excuse me, Sir; I’ll not go firs…
O grief of griefs! that Envy’s fr… Should rob the living virtue of it… O foolish Muses! that with zeal a… To deck the cold insensate shrine… When the free spirit quits her hum…
Ye birds! for whom I rear’d the g… With melting lay salute my love; My Daphne with your notes detain, Or I have rear’d my grove in vain… Ye flowers! before her footsteps r…
Auditæ voces, vagitus et ingens, Infantunque animæ flentes in limine primo. Virg.ADVERTISEMENT What particulars in Spenser were imagined most proper for the author’s imitationon this oc...
Debitae nymphis opifex coronae.-H… Imitation. Constructor of the tributary wreat… For rural maids. Bring, Flora, bring thy treasures…
’Twas always held, and ever will, By sage mankind, discreeter To anticipate a lesser ill Than undergo a greater. When mortals dread disease, pain,
’Twas in a cool Aonian glade, The wanton Cupid, spent with toil… Had sought refreshment from the sh… And stretch’d him on the mossy soi… A vagrant Muse drew nigh, and fou…
[Somewhat Too Solicitious about… Survey, my fair! that lucid stream… Adown the smiling valley stray; Would Art attempt, or Fancy dream… To regulate its winding way?
While orient skies restore the day… And dew-drops catch the lucid ray; Amid the sprightly scenes of morn Will aught the Muse inspire? Oh! peace to yonder clamorous horn