He Arrives at His Retirement in… To a Friend For rural virtues, and for native… I bade Augusta’s venal sons farew… Now 'mid the trees I see my smoke…
‘These are messengers That feelingly persuade me what I… Comes a dun in the morning and rap… ‘I made bold to call-’tis a twelve… I’m sorry, believe me, to trouble…
Why will you my passion reprove? Why term it a folly to grieve? Ere I shew you the charms of my l… She is fairer than you can believe… With her mien she enamours the bra…
Ye shepherds so cheerful and gay, Whose flocks never carelessly roam… Should Corydon’s happen to stray, Oh! call the poor wanderers home. Allow me to muse and to sigh,
’Tis said that under distant skies… Nor you the fact deny, What first attracts an Indian’s e… Becomes his deity. Perhaps a lily, or a rose,
Whate’er could Sculpture’s curiou… Whate’er the lavish hand of Wealt… These would I give-and every gift… That pleased my fair-but Fate den… Bless’d were my lot to feed the so…
What village but has sometimes see… The clumsy shape, the frightful mi… Tremendous claws, and shagged hair Of that grim brute yclept a bear? He from his dam the learn’d agree,
’Twas in a land of learning, The Muse’s favourite city, Such pranks of late Were play’d by a rat, As-tempt one to be witty.
From a lone tower, with reverend i… The pealing bell awaked a tender s… Still, as the village caught the w… A swelling tear distream’d from ev… So droop’d, I ween, each Briton’s…
’Tis by comparison we know On every object to bestow Its proper share of praise Did each alike perfection bear, What beauty, though divinely fair,
O Health! capricious maid! Why dost thou shun my peaceful bow… Where I had hope to share thy pow… And bless thy lasting aid? Since thou, alas! art flown,
Ah! why for ever on the wing Persists my wearied soul to roam? Why, ever cheated, strives to brin… Or pleasure or contentment home? Thus the poor bird, that draws his…
Debitae nymphis opifex coronae.-H… Imitation. Constructor of the tributary wreat… For rural maids. Bring, Flora, bring thy treasures…
‘See, Daphne, see!’ Florelio crie… ‘And learn the sad effects of prid… Yon shelter’d rose, how safe conce… How quickly blasted when reveal’d! ‘The sun with warm attractive rays
Ye shepherds give ear to my lay, And take no more heed of my sheep: They have nothing to do but to str… I have nothing to do but to weep. Yet do not my folly reprove;