Now in the cowslip’s dewy cell The fairies make their bed, They hover round the crystal well, The turf in circles tread. The lovely linnet now her song
If proud Pygmalion quit his cumbr… Funereal pomp the scanty tear supp… Whilst heralds loud, with venal vo… Lo! here the brave and the puissan… When humbler Alcon leaves his dro…
‘Sir, will you please to walk befo… ‘No, pray, Sir-you are next the d… ‘Upon mine honour, I’ll not stir.… ‘Sir, I’m at home; consider, Sir’… ‘Excuse me, Sir; I’ll not go firs…
Urit spes animi credula mutui.-Ho… Imitation. Fond hope of a reciprocal desire Inflames the breast. ’Twas not by beauty’s aid alone
’Tis by comparison we know On every object to bestow Its proper share of praise Did each alike perfection bear, What beauty, though divinely fair,
‘These are messengers That feelingly persuade me what I… Comes a dun in the morning and rap… ‘I made bold to call-’tis a twelve… I’m sorry, believe me, to trouble…
O’er desert plains, and rushy mere… And wither’d heaths I rove; Where tree, nor spire, nor cot, ap… I pass to meet my love. But, though my path were damask’d…
Aliusque et idem. Explanation. Another and the Same. When Tom to Cambridge first was s… A plain brown bob he wore;
While orient skies restore the day… And dew-drops catch the lucid ray; Amid the sprightly scenes of morn Will aught the Muse inspire? Oh! peace to yonder clamorous horn
No more, ye warbling birds! rejoic… Of all that cheer’d the plain, Echo alone preserves her voice, And she-repeats my pain. Where’er my lovesick limbs I lay
I told my nymph, I told her true, My fields were small, my flocks we… While faltering accents spoke my f… That Flavia might not prove since… Of crops destroyed by vernal cold,
While blooming Spring descends fr… By whose mild influence instant wo… From whose soft breath Elysian be… The sweets of Hagley, or the prid… Will Lyttleton the rural landscap…
’Twas in a cool Aonian glade, The wanton Cupid, spent with toil… Had sought refreshment from the sh… And stretch’d him on the mossy soi… A vagrant Muse drew nigh, and fou…
He Takes Occasion, From the Fate… When Beauty mourns, by Fate’s inj… Hid from the cheerful glance of hu… When Nature’s pride inglorious wa… Hard is that heart which checks th…
Ye gentle Nymphs and generous Dam… That rule o’er every British mind… Be sure ye soothe their amorous fl… Be sure your laws are not unkind: For hard it is to wear their bloom