Sunshine Fluffy white clouds rain Rainbows Doves within
Veiled dark skies Sullen damp forests’ Foggy breath sans sunlight
My dearest I have seen you in my dreams Could you be loved Allow me to introduce you To the love deep inside of me
Jestures of love And light Lights of Twilight Moonlit nights
Early morning cricket orchestra Resounding In the summer air Open fields What lies out there
Her summery spirit and winterly bl… Seemingly Eternal and Alive in the myths of the ages Resented by some Embraced by sages
Hawks say no Jones in I don’t want x wife Lost love Fading into
My main squeeze Saturday afternoon Weekday bruises Never gone too soon Over yonder
Oil leaks and elbow grease Men at work Tuesdays through the week Thursday eve comes Birthing of Fridays oblique
Her High flying moon sunshine nothin but all sees All in the evening seized Underneath seas of tired cosmic st…
In the morning Across the land far and wide Shines the great god in the skies His wrath in distant storm clouds Rumbles and flashes
Jumped through the hulahoop The hole in zero The whole of the hole whole Now Hair and bones
Flames burning higher and higher The skies on fire Blue bullets rip Before I can kiss her goodbye The mermaids swim through
Chaos chemistry In dreamy eyes Only true love exists The rest lies Lies told
The first hint of light And the new day has begun In the shadows of the sun Beneath cosmic illumination Piercing through the clouds