When im sad and lonely Feeling blue I think of all The things that you do Your love warms my heart
Great majesty of the deep Blue abyss The holder of Sunshine bliss All of
Upon the mountaintop In my efforts —to reach the heavens —To touch the skies God listens
Bad mouths Bad words Sick of them Ridicule Nah
My dearest I have seen you in my dreams Could you be loved Allow me to introduce you To the love deep inside of me
The moon glows Upon my mind Alone is the pain of yesterday —I let her go The twilights glow
Perfection Cheap Broken sunglasses Always So true Aint it as factual
Oil leaks and elbow grease Men at work Tuesdays through the week Thursday eve comes Birthing of Fridays oblique
Rock star dreams Reality tv Magic limelight silvery screens red carpets
In the morning Across the land far and wide Shines the great god in the skies His wrath in distant storm clouds Rumbles and flashes
No patience To wait beside The wishing well run dry No pennies to drop Till the rain
The first hint of light And the new day has begun In the shadows of the sun Beneath cosmic illumination Piercing through the clouds
Sunshine Fluffy white clouds rain Rainbows Doves within
Jumped through the hulahoop The hole in zero The whole of the hole whole Now Hair and bones
The lonely wolf cries When she is all alone Howling at the moon Her moans echo in the night sky And she weeps