Black leather Doused with sun tan crisco She’s dancing the funky San Fran Disco Oozing sweat
Haunted by the howling wind Blinded by the moonlight Broken By and by without care Victimized by the fright
Jumped through the hulahoop The hole in zero The whole of the hole whole Now Hair and bones
My main squeeze Saturday afternoon Weekday bruises Never gone too soon Over yonder
Her High flying moon sunshine nothin but all sees All in the evening seized Underneath seas of tired cosmic st…
Big and beautiful dreams picture perfect reality of the heart and mind Alive in fantasy In the morning sunshine
Ice cracked bones Heart made of stone The statue sits upon its throne All alone birds tend Her loneliness
The lonely wolf cries When she is all alone Howling at the moon Her moans echo in the night sky And she weeps
Sound bites the dust Dreamy starshine Sunshine burst births lovely green…
Scarecrow The witness of silent lightning Hears the first crack of thunder As the animals flee Rain starts to fall
angel mermaid lost at sea one day she will be back visiting the sailors’ dreams she was beautiful
Hawks say no Jones in I don’t want x wife Lost love Fading into
En Route En route’ Life aint nothing But a Traffic jam
Olde flames Mere dreams Sparks poppin Crackling Into the skies
Liquid Soul Liquid soul oozes thru The blues man’s tunes His Raspy bellowing voice Reverberating