Is it quiet now? What did you think(?) Blessings in disguise? Lies? Surprises?
Five O Three Cruising down the highway The stolen vehicle Sunroof down Gleaming in the sunlight
When im sad and lonely Feeling blue I think of all The things that you do Your love warms my heart
Haunted by the howling wind Blinded by the moonlight Broken By and by without care Victimized by the fright
Veiled dark skies Sullen damp forests’ Foggy breath sans sunlight
Rain is falling down Thunders crashing all around Nevertheless Don’t stress Turn the lights down low
Once alive yet never dead Children’s spring summertime laugh… In the air and skies overhead Omnipresent love Sunshine and breezes
Feathers in the breeze On the sea scene The sea’s scene By boardwalk painters seized The sailors dream
Great majesty of the deep Blue abyss The holder of Sunshine bliss All of
Quiet silhouettes Silencing an aching mind Between eyes not yet blind Within window quarters Along sides
Oil leaks and elbow grease Men at work Tuesdays through the week Thursday eve comes Birthing of Fridays oblique
Time is just the tide The ebb and flow flowing The breath of the season blowing
The first hint of light And the new day has begun In the shadows of the sun Beneath cosmic illumination Piercing through the clouds
Black leather Doused with sun tan crisco She’s dancing the funky San Fran Disco Oozing sweat