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Vic Evora

Moment in Time

"The years go by. The time, it does fly. Every single second is a moment in time that passes. And it seems like nothing - but when you're looking back ... well, it amounts to everything."
Ray Bradbury

One moment in time
Happily ever after
Romance forever
As a child that was her dream
Nightly, to ride a moonbeam
But a dream it stayed
For in love she’s unlucky
Heartbroken she’d be
Then one sunny day they met
Now, happier she can’t get
Spring, summer will pass
Autumn leaves will float away
He’ll always stay
Cold winter storms will be here
He’ll be around, have no fear
Tis a love affair
That’s emblazoned in the clouds
And makes Cupid proud
Romance decreed from heaven
Undefiled and unleavened
Dream from whence she was a child
Finally she’s realized
Beaming and aglow she smiled
Happiness as advertised
There’s this one moment in time
When he finally met her
When all the verses did rhyme
Happily ever after
© Vic Evora
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