Caricamento in corso...
Vic Evora

Behind Tall Trees

A Sonnet
From behind tall trees, a golden sunrise
Awakens a weary world from slumber
The cool gentle breeze, whiffs of lavender
Touches my face; an angel in disguise!
The fleeting dawn gives way to clear blue skies
As the sun raced up the heavens yonder
Cheerfully, I watch in child-like wonder
As the world is transformed before my eyes!
The night storm’s over, erasing all doubt
That good fortunes come whenever I pray
From behind tall trees, slowly I step out
To soak in blessings of a glorious day
In thanksgiving, heav’nly praises I shout
For darker forces have been held at bay!
© Vic A Evora

Thankful to have survived Harvey and all the other storms in my life.

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