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Vic Evora

Friday Morning

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry

Thank God, it’s Friday; week’s almost over
Bags packed, ready to go, come quitting time
The beach awaits; it’s gonna be sublime
For I’ll be spending time with my lover!
I drive to work, my heart’s pitter-patter
Fun we’ll have, got my imagination
On overdrive; morning but a vision!
But what’s this? I’m warm, I got a fever!
Fiasco! Quickly I went home hoping
A short power nap will make me better
I went straight to bed, only to find her
Curled up, sicker than me since this morning
Best laid plans for weekend delights, poof! gone
At least it’s time for bonding, one on one!
© Vic Evora

This is the last of my "weekday sonnets. I posted Thursday a few years ago. And posted the others the past two weeks

#04162015 #BestLaidPlans #Fiasco

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