Caricamento in corso...
Vic Evora

Wednesday Morning

"Texas: 32 electoral votes, another of the so-called big enchiladas or if not an enchilada at least a huge taco."
~Dan Rather

An Ode to the Enchilada– Just for Laughs
At last, it’s Wednesday; I’m excited
I woke up early, a smile on my face
Shaved, brushed and showered, all in rapid pace
Then coffee! Breakfast? Haven’t decided!
Today’s hump day, it’s enchilada day
It’s an event I have always reserved
Wednesday lunch, enchiladas are served
Best Texas cafeteria; I daresay
So I skipped breakfast, to stay real hungry
And have chicken enchiladas, smothered
With three cheeses, each completely covered
With rice and charro beans. Bon apetit!
Yes, others may think my life’s PATHETIC
Enchilada lunch, HIGHLIGHT of my week!
© Vic Evora

This anecdote from the time I was still working.

#04142015 #WednesdayLunchEnchilada

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