How nicely fair Phillis you manag… You neither reproach nor approve h… Just keep him in play wth ye hopes… Not give him enough that you’le lo… Tis tyrrany ruling in love wth suc…
Now kind now coy wth how much chan… You feed my fierce desire As if to more extravagance Youd manage up the fire In vain if this your meaning be
Thou soft Engager of my tender ye… Divertive verse now come & eas… The Rake has wine the aged knave… Of what his death bed Charity wil… to lay his cares & mine are la…
Holy Jesus! God of Love! Look with pity from above, Shed the precious purple tide From thine hands, thy feet, thy si… Let thy streams of comfort roll,
As Bacchus ranging at his leisure… (Io Bacchus! king of pleasure) Charm’d the wide world with drink… And all his thousand airy fancies; Alas! he quite forgot the while
One authour has anothers head begu… Lett no man say it might be better… For since they both are Witts Ime… To find he has not drawn him twice…
Giddy wth fond ambition, mad wth p… Apostate angells once ev’n heavn d… Avenging heavn its hottest bolts p… And hell and thunder provd their s… Yet foolish man by no example won,
With Moral Tale let Ancient Wisd… Which thus I sing to make the Mod… Strong Neptune once with sage Min… And rising Athens was the Victor’… By Neptune, Plutus (Guardian Pow…
When thy beauty appears In its graces and airs All bright as an angel new dropp’d… At distance I gaze and am awed by… So strangely you dazzle my eye!
Happy the man whose firm resolves… Assisting Grace to burst his sinf… For him the Days with golden minu… Tis his the Land where milk &… Justice & mercy piety & pe…
Now leave the Porch, to vision no… Where the next rapture glows with… Now change the time, and change th… The following Seer forewarns a fu… To some retirement, where the Pro…
As Pope who gathers mony to trans… With Gay the Shepheard Writer me… Says Pope, your Ecclogues wont co… For Phillips to reprieve him Tons… Indeed the story may be true, says…
The Persians us’d at setting of y… To howl, as if he nere again shoul… They onely acted it but we indeed Must doot for all that lovely was… all that was great good Just &…
The sun is swiftly mounted high; It glitters in the southern sky; Its beams with force and glory bea… And fruitful earth is fill’d with… Father, also with Thy fire